5️⃣Get Cross-Chain Status

Returns the status of cross-chain transactions

You can look over the status of a cross-chain swap via this API.

Get the status of a cross -chain transaction

GET endpoint/crossChainStatus

Query Parameters




ID of source chain



Transaction hash of source chain swap

  "isSuccess": true,
  "status": "Done",
  "msg": "Transaction has been completed.",
  "txHash": "<transaction hash of target chain swap>"

There are six possible statuses: Not found, Processing, Done, Receive bridge token, Pending refund, and Refunded.


Not found

No transaction found in the system.

No matching system record or source chain transaction detected.


Source chain transaction detected, destination chain transaction pending.

System record exists; source transaction complete, destination pending.


Transaction has been completed.

There is a system record, and the destination transaction has been completed.

Receive bridge token (TOKEN_NAME)

For example :

  • Receive bridge token (USDT)

  • Receive bridge token (USDC)

  • Receive bridge token (ETH)

Transaction reverted, bridge token received.

Due to price change over the slippage tolerance or other unforeseen issues, the transaction has been reverted on the destination chain and received bridge token instead.

Pending refund

Transaction cannot be executed on destination chain, refund pending.

Transaction encountered an error and cannot be executed on the destination chain, we will refund the bridge token on the source chain. Once the refund transaction has been completed, it will be marked as Refunded.


Transaction failed on destination chain, refunded.

Refund completed, pool token sent to source chain sender's address.

Last updated