📩Error Message
input chain id unsupported | "Invalid chain id" | “10” |
other input args invalidated | "Invalid input argument" | “10” |
no route | "Token unsupported or liquidity insufficient." | “3” |
route engine timeout | "Request for route-fetching has timed out. Please try again." | “5” |
yBridge liquidity not enough | "yBirdge liquidity insufficient." | “4” |
input amount not enough | "The minimum swap amount for this trading pair should be equivalent to {min_amount} {token_symbol}." | “6” |
Network temporarily not supported. | "The network chain id {chain id} has been paused, please follow our update." | "7" |
unknown error | “API error" | “99” |
quote api success | "Quotation success." | “0” |
swap api success | "Swap success." | “0” |
Last updated