XY Finance Widget (NPM)

XY Finance team has been wracking our brains just to come up with a powerful engagement tool to help strengthen your user retention, making them want to come back more for a satisfying user experience that this widget provides for your website and reducing friction by letting them fast-forward into your app's/site's key functionality. Note that this XY Finance Widget will be constantly renewed as we're also gathering more resources and collecting feedback from users along the way.


  • React 18

  • Vite

  • Next.js

If you have specific compatibility requirements or need further assistance, please reach out to us.

Let's get started!

  • Begin by installing the widget using the example provided in the "Getting Started" section.

  • Configure the Widget: Customize the default settings that appear on the widget, including disabling undesired tokens/chains and featuring the tokens you want to promote.

  • Customize the Theme: Modify the widget's border-radius, color, and font-family to match your website's style.

  • Explore the full API Reference: Find detailed information about the configuration options we provide.

  • Stay updated with the Change Log: Stay informed about the latest changes and updates we have made.

Last updated