Set up Your Own Validator

Explain how transaction verify by multiple validator

The cross-chain transfer of tokens through the xAsset Bridge is efficient and highly secure. We have multiple validators to help confirm the correctness and security of transactions, ensuring that no malicious transactions or unexpected transactions occur. In addition, xAsset Bridge are compatible with the third parties register to be one of the validators to ensure sufficient decentralization.

Validator Registration

Step 1. Get latest validator server image

You can get latest image from docker hub

Step 2. Run validator server with specific environment variables

Server listen port: 8004

To run validator server properly, you must pass following environment variables when starting a container:

  • TOKEN_SYMBOL: The token you want to validate.

    Currently available symbols are:

    • XY

  • CC_VALIDATOR_KEY: Private keys of validator EOA wallet, will be used to sign validated transaction. For example:


Step 3. Expose server endpoint and verify

After server starts to run, the server endpoint needs to be exposed publicly in order to receive validate request. Make sure you can access /signatures/crossChainRequests from your server.

To verify server works properly, you may use following command for testing. If everything went good, it will return signatures of your validator.

curl -X GET "{your_server_domain}/signatures/crossChainRequests?srcChainId=1&requestId=88&destChainId=137&receiver=0x434d20f4286711530e945957f77384649c5301a7&amount=4141700000000000000000&fee=31002734678&txHash=0xfa287bb58af4b0c0e188abe4784a9e308e7b2302733ab7296f1bac5725a112fb"

Step 4. Fill registration form

Finally, fill this form to inform us about your validator server.

We will add your server to our validator list after reviewed.

Last updated

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